Sunday, April 8, 2012

Level Up

Up until now, my quests in Middle Class have been so minor. Mainly, just diving into the social networking lands and making my tiny mark in Blogger Land. I have learned that DIY projects are hip, and if you can come up with the coolest, most unique, awesome thing out there, you can land yourself title of Master of Blogging. I am not there, yet. That status symbol is way beyond my capabilities and XP. But, as a part of Middle Class, I have found myself leveling up to a whole new level, which does open some awesome new worlds that I cannot wait to master! What world have I opened up?...

Home Owner!
New Home Sweet Home! Blessing XP: more than imaginable.

We didn't get here all on our own, and we Praise God and thank everyone who helped us get here! Talk about a guild full of skilled and experienced people on our side. and We won't be jumping into this level on our own, either. Mom and Dad will be joining us hopefully next weekend and Dustin and I will get to do our best to bless them as they adjust to all the new things life will be bringing them. 

It feels huge to level up right now! But we are excited! and this means that my blog will get to start looking into our remodeling and decorating and maybe I'll even learn to cook. What a world of adventures this already has been!

Lower Middle Class Family Level 2